Artificial Intelligence in Social Media Marketing?

RyCOM CreativeAdvice, Blog, Uncategorized

Many small business owners utilize social media as part of their marketing efforts. Many like to take of marketing, especially Social, through a DIY approach, while others simply can’t afford to pay a firm like RyCOM (although we are suprisingly affordable).

That being said, it can take a lot of time and effort to set up social media marketing campaigns. Here are a few ways you can use artificial intelligence for social media marketing purposes.

Smart Audience Targeting

The beauty of social media marketing is being able to reach a wide audience. That being said, trying to advertise to everyone usually means spending a lot without obtaining many leads. Fortunately, many social media websites help you automatically form a target audience. For instance, Facebook uses AI to provide audience insights to marketers, which enables you to understand information about your audience including their lifestyle and purchasing data. After learning this information, you will be able to fine-tune advertising campaigns to appeal to this audience.

Process Automation

A key aspect of using AI for social media purposes involves process automation. Robotic Process Automation technology allows workers to execute repetitive tasks more efficiently and more accurately than humans can. For instance, chatbots are a popular type of social media automation. This allows you to communicate with leads even when you’re not online. 51 percent of marketers plan on using Facebook Messenger bots by 2019, which could make them vital to your future business plan.

Analytical Decisions

It’s important to use your analytics to your advantage while posting on social media. Each time you create a post, your audience responds. These responses come in the form of likes, comments, shares, and other similar types of activity. Considering that, it’s important to watch this data because you can use it as a guide to determine if what you’re posting is engaging your audience or not.

Intelligent Content Creation Tools

In the past, many marketers steered clear of any type of automatic content creation. During this time, the vast majority of machine-generated articles looked like a complete mess. Many predicted that AI-generated content might soon be the one thing that “saves content marketing.” It’s important to note that AI content is still in its infancy. However, many AI tools work well for helping you generate keywords and content creation ideas.

In conclusion, there are several reasons to utilize AI in your social media marketing efforts. If you’re wanting to reduce the time and effort you spend on social media marketing, consider implementing the previously mentioned tips, or just let us do it for you